GC '07: Killzone 2 Hands-On


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LEIPZIG, Germany--Buzz has been growing for Guerilla's upcoming Killzone 2 ever since its famous trailer was shown in 2005 at the Electronic Entertainment Expo. That buzz has continued to grow given the game's fantastic showing at this year's E3. Today at the 2007 Games Conference in Leipzig, Guerilla developers gave us a tour of a good chunk of the first level, which was initially demoed back in July during E3. In addition, we got our first chance to play the game, and we're happy to report, it plays just as nicely as it looks.

If you've been paying attention to Killzone 2, you know the level in question begins with a thrilling opening scene that features your character and a bunch of badass military types being dropped into a hot zone. All the while, a huge weapon known as an "arc" fires deadly lightning bolts into the sky, taking out dropships left and right. Once your compatriots hit the ground, it's a battle to the first checkpoint, where one of your superior officers tells you that the first order of business is to infiltrate and take down the arc that's doing damage to your dropships.

The backstory behind this scene is that your character is a member of the Legion, a special forces unit called in to assist in the invasion of the Helghan capital city. The arc weapon is one developed by the Helghast forces, which have developed ways to control the weather. As Guerilla developers explained, weather will play a big part in Killzone 2's gameplay because the Helghast have developed methods of harnessing the power of the weather for use to its advantage. We tried to find out if other types of weather would be a part of the gameplay, such as heavy rain or snow, but Guerilla developers said they weren't ready to make any further announcements about that just yet.

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